
There are various ways for Professional Investors to access the Cryptoasset and DLT growth story. The real challenge is being able to gain exposure in a properly risk-managed and dependable way. Aaro's Multifunds are some of the first professionally managed and genuinely institutional quality Cryptoasset and DLT Fund of Funds.

  • Crypto

    Aaro Diversified Crypto Multifund Strategies

    The objective of the Aaro Diversified Crypto Multifund strategies is to connect investors with ground-breaking technological innovation and value generation in the Cryptoasset and DLT space, providing exposure to the full range of opportunities.

Please get in touch if you have any investment enquiries.

Aaro Diversified Crypto Multifund Strategies

The objective of the strategies is to connect investors with ground-breaking technological innovation and value generation in the Cryptoasset and DLT space, providing exposure to the full range of opportunities.

  • Our Approach

    Aaro has developed what we believe to be a clear informational edge which enables us to identify managers and vehicles of which other investors are unaware. We are distinguished by the strength and depth within our research team and our head start as an early mover, with several years of intensive work within this space.

    By harnessing our expertise, network and scale, we aim to give investors access to best-in-class managers – names that typically would otherwise be virtually impossible to discover or access.

    We aim to deliver sustainable, long-term exposure to the Cryptoasset and DLT growth story without being distracted by short-term trends. The strategies seek to maximise risk-adjusted returns through the use of traditional risk management practices, with a focus on managing downside risk.

    We follow a multi-layered selection process. This filters opportunities using established best practices for both investment and operational due diligence, adapted to the specific requirements of the Cryptoasset and DLT space. Each part of our process is a source of competitive edge.

Why Invest via Aaro Diversified Crypto Multifund Strategies

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    Robust structure with high governance standards

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    Focus on risk management and best practice to meet the unique demands of the sector

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    Screening and selection emphasise both managers’ operational integrity and ability to generate alpha

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    Multi-stage due diligence process, developed specifically for Cryptoasset and DLT fund managers

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    Access to information from managers and other industry sources

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    Actively managed, diversified portfolio to reflect changing market conditions

The Aaro Diversified Crypto Multifund Strategies are open to sophisticated investors seeking to invest $150,000 or more.